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Entries Tagged as 'cash value life insurance'

7 Myths About Cash Value Life Insurance That Just Won’t Die

The necessity of life insurance today is based around the idea of a family with one or both spouses working outside of the home, and that if one of them dies, the other will be left with financial obligations that will not be able to be met. Life insurance is supposed to fill that gap.

This is where the agreement between financial professionals ends abruptly, because the next question that arises is: OK, so what kind of life insurance should people buy? The debate between which is better – term or cash value/permanent life insurance – is seemingly a “never ending battle”. For many various reasons, many investment houses, stock brokers, mutual fund managers (and the agents who sell their funds), as well as many popular financial “gurus” like Suze Orman, Ric Edleman, and Dave Ramsey presumably (according to their many published books and comments on national radio and television) hate cash value life insurance…

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Life Insurance: What’s Wrong With Non-Forfeiture Laws?

Non-forfeiture Law refers to the laws created in the 19th century that required life insurance companies to provide an equity value to life insurance policies. Before Non-forfeiture laws, life insurance companies were not obligated to provide policyholders with a cash value when they purchased life insurance. Life insurance prior to these laws was primarily term [...]

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Dear Dave: I Hate Life Insurance

I get hate comments once in a while, and while it’s easy to pick on some of them, sometimes people do bring up important points that are not understood very well by the general public. Sometimes, just sometimes, I think of something to say to the legions of Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey fanatics. I [...]

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