Financial Planning for Businesses

Entries Tagged as 'career planning'

Financial Planning Begins Before You Are Rich

Most of the people I talk to about financial planning assume that they need money in order to do financial planning. To some extent, this is true (education is not free). However, the process of financial planning is a lifelong process that starts prior to finishing highschool. This seems incredible to most people, but financial [...]

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The Simplest College Savings Calculator In The World

Saving for your kid’s college education may be a non-option. A college education is not cheap, and it’s not getting any cheaper. However, for those of you who are able to help your child save money for the future, here is the simplest college savings calculator in the world.

If you click on “the simplest college savings calculator in the world”, you’ll be taken to a different website. I am not affiliated with that website, or the owners, in any way shape or form. I just thought that that would be a helpful piece of information to pass along to you…if you’re ready to start saving money.

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